For Researchers

For Researchers

Study Overview

See article describing the VETSA projects.

Accessing VETSA Data

Deidentified VETSA 1 data are now accessible through the VETSA PIs and will soon be available via the ICPSR website.

VETSA 2 data will be available in late 2015.

  • The Basic Process:

There are 4 simple steps for qualified researchers interested in using VETSA data:

  1. Take a look at the list showing many of the VETSA measures.
  2. Fill out and submit a Data Request Form; we will send you a complete data dictionary.
  3. If the request is approved, you will be asked to fill out and submit a Data Use Agreement (DUA).
  4. Upon receipt of the signed DUA, we will provide the relevant data.

VETSA Funding

Acknowledgments and thanks to the National Institute of Aging for funding the VETSA projects.

  • The VETSA Longitudinal Twin Study of Cognition and Aging (ongoing)
    • PIs: William S. Kremen, Ph.D. and Michael J. Lyons, Ph.D.
    • R01s AG018384, AG018386, and AG050595
  • The VETSA Longitudinal MRI Twin Study of Aging (ongoing)
    • PI: William S. Kremen, Ph.D.
    • R01 AG022381
  • The VETSA Longitudinal Twin Study of Cortisol and Aging (completed)
    • PI: William S. Kremen, Ph.D.
    • R01 AG022982


Vietnam Era Twin (VET) Registry

The VET Registry oversees a large register of veteran twins. All VETSA Participants are part of this longitudinal Registry.